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Vorresti un maestro qualificato sempre a tua disposizione?! Basta un minuto: scarica l'app gratuita, acquista un piano di lavoro e migliora subito il tuo golf!

Il nuovo programma di remote coaching ti da la massima libertà di utilizzo: quando e dove vuoi, ti basta registrare un video del tuo swing ed entro poche ore avrai a disposizione un commento tecnico con correzioni ed esercizi specifici!

Entra nel nuovo mondo dell'insegnamento del golf: un modo più moderno, preciso, comodo ed immediato!

How it works:

  1. Buy your work plan (e.g. 4 comments per month for 6 months) and wait for the instructions via email to download the app
  2. Upload your side video and a front video of the shot you prefer (ferri-driver-bunker...)
  3. The coach Matteo Collini will evaluate your videos carefully and will send you a file complete with voice commentary and overlaid references to your swing. It will be enough play the video you will receive, and while listening to the technical commentary you will see the lines or circles indicating exactly the points to which it refers the explanation you are hearing. You will also receive targeted exercises and the correct training methodology to be followed both at home, at the gym or golf course.
  4. You will have a chat available in the app to message with Matteo for any doubt.
  5. When you want you can send another video to check your improvements or evaluate another area of the game. If you bought e.g. 6 comments per month you will choose when, how and in which context to use them, e.g. all 6 on the driver, or 3 on the irons and 3 on the bunker...
  6. You will be the first to have info on clinics in Italy and abroad having preemption on the reservation and you will also have dedicated special offers.

What are you waiting for?
Buy your work plan, wait for the confirmation email and in a few clicks you will have your private coach at your fingertips!


Buy your "Remote Coaching" plan choosing doffculty and lasting.


Swing analysis + drill + call

Purchase the package, wait for the instructions by email, download the App and you are ready to learn.


Swing analysis + drill

Purchase the package, wait for the instructions by email, download the App and you are ready to learn.


Swing analysis

Purchase the package, wait for the instructions by email, download the App and you are ready to learn.

Remote Coaching Program